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Merlot is a popular yet underrated red wine, often standing in the shadow of its more prestigious cousin, Cabernet Sauvignon. Compared to its cousin, Merlot tends to be softer and mellower, often complementing the Cabernet. As a lush, medium to full-bodied wine, we're confident this wine and its juicy flavors will win you over. Its inky purple color and silkiness will have you saying Cabernet who?

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It can sometimes be difficult to tell a Merlot apart from a Cabernet Sauvignon, but at Wine Chateau, we believe in you. Buy Merlot and some Cabernet online to have yourself a little comparison party. If you're struggling to tell the differences, don't be discouraged. Practice makes perfect, so grab a case of each just to be safe. Once you're well versed in the differences between these two varieties, you're ready for the next challenge. Our collection of Merlot for sale features grapes from around the world. Teach your pallet – through careful, diligent and regular study – the subtle nuances of Merlots from varying regions, including Tuscany, South Australia, Catalunya, California, and many more.

Like many of the others in the red family, Merlot wine is characterized by its dark fruit flavors including plum, blackberries, and raspberry. Its profile can also have notes of roasted vegetables and warm baking spices. Be careful, though. The best Merlots are wonderfully balanced, well rounded and easy to drink. If you're not careful, you'll be spending the whole night together. Merlot is perfect for drinkers new to red wine. If this is your first time dabbling with reds, we'll be gentle. Welcome to the dark side.

Merlot features many of the flavor profiles typical of other red wines but offers a softer finish. As a result of this mellower feel, it pairs nicely with many food pairing options. Like Cabernet Sauvignon, it pairs well with grilled, braised or charred meats but can also be paired with something lighter like poultry, pork or salmon. Pour yourself a glass with roasted vegetables, strong cheeses and even desserts. Prepare something like bacon wrapped scallops to complement the diverse flavors of the Merlot, as if you needed another excuse to eat bacon. With this many opportunities to eat bacon and steak, you'll need at least a case or two of your favorite Merlot.