If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return your order to the warehouse for a full refund (Bottles must be unopened, in the state you received them, and in the original packaging). We believe that in order to have the best possible online shopping experience, our customers should not have to pay for domestic return shipping. So if you're not happy with your purchase, just contact us right away and we will provide you with details for returning the unopened bottles - your domestic shipping costs are prepaid by us.

With the WineChateau.com 365 day return policy, there are no special catches or exceptions. All we ask is that you send the items back to us in the original packaging, unopened, and in the same condition you received them.

    • You can return your purchase for up to 365 days from the purchase date.

    • Products must be in the condition you received them and in the original box and/or packaging.

    • Return shipping is absolutely FREE.

    • You will be provided with a pre-paid FedEx domestic label to return the purchase to us.

  • Once your return is received and inspected by the fulfillment centers (usually within 72 hours of receipt), your refund will be processed and a credit will be automatically applied to your credit card or original method of payment within 7 days. Please note that depending on your credit card company, it may take an additional 2-10 business days after your credit is applied for it to post to your account. As part of our 365-day return policy, all returns will need to be received and processed by our warehouse within 365 days of purchase.
  • No returns or exchanges on Spirits unless we sent the wrong item.

Have questions? Prefer to order by Phone? The Wine Chateau Customer Loyalty Team (WCCLT) is happy to help!

Call WCCLT Monday - Friday 10am - 7pm EST: 1-800-946-3190 or Email Wine Chateau Customer Loyalty Team

 Returns & Refunds

365 Day Return Policy & Instructions

You may initiate a return or exchange online, by phone or Live Chat.  If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return your order to us for a full refund within the 365 days of your purchase. (Bottles must be unopened, in the state you received them, and in the original packaging). We believe that in order to have the best possible online shopping experience, our customers should not have to pay for domestic return shipping.
  • Fill Out the Online Return Form

    Get an RMA Number (Return Merchandise Authorization) by filling out our online form, calling or via Live Chat.

  • Ship Your Item with Return Label

    Place your item(s) back into the original shipping box with your invoice. Be sure to pack it properly so your item(s) won't get damaged.

  • Ship Your Item with Return Label

    Prepaid shipping label will be emailed to you after initiating a return. Securely affix your return label to the outside of the shipping package. We cannot be responsible for lost packages.

Start a Return

Return Address

Wine Chateau Fulfillment Services
46 Colonia Drive
Piscataway, NJ 08854

Easy 365-Day Returns Policy

If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason, you may return it to Wine Chateau within 365 days of the purchase date, subject to the conditions and exclusions below.

Eligibility Conditions

Please read conditions below. If all conditions are not met, Wine Chateau reserves the right to refuse the return or to charge a minimum 15% restocking fee. All returned items must be in new condition, in their original unaltered packaging (including an intact bottle label and UPC code). Wine Chateau can only refund the original purchase price.

Nonreturnable Items

  • Spirits
  • Cigars
  • Accessories
  • Opened bottles
  • Broken bottles
  • Select special-order wines, or any item indicated on the website as nonreturnable


Please allow 3-5 business days for mail-in exchanges to be processed.

Refunds & Credits

Once we receive and inspect your item(s), we will credit your account. Please allow 5-7 days for a credit to appear on your account. In most cases, we will issue your refund in the same way you made the original purchase. Please note: we can only refund the original purchase price. Shipping and handling fees are nonrefundable unless a wrong item is sent to you.

Limited Liability

Wine Chateau is not responsible for personal data or items left in returned merchandise. Wine Chateau is not responsible for any consequential or incidental damage resulting from the sale or use of any merchandise bought from us. We are responsible for the monetary value of the merchandise only. Also, claims for missing items or items damaged in transit must be received within two business days of receipt of merchandise.